Mon Cine- Marianna (Irinis Square)
Cyprus Ave.

A scene from the slapstick comedy "The clever lads"
Οn the present-day Irinis (Peace) square was built the second (chronologically)movie theatre of Athens, named “Mon Cine” (the first one was Cine Paris in Plaka). Mon Cine was inaugurated in 1936 and it soon became an important cultural and artistic centre for the municipality of Vyronas. Almost right after its inauguration, the movie theatre followed European practices, hosting some of the greatest theatrical groups of Athens, as well as itinerant groups, the so-called “bouloukia”. Mon Cine originally belonged to mr. Sampatakos, who was also a movie producer. However, in 1965 the property changed hands and was renamed “Marianna”, after the daughter of the new owner, mr Michalis Velios. It closed down permanently in 1978 and it was finally demolished. Mon Cine appears as a scenery in a 1962 Greek slapstick comedy film called "The clever lads" and in the 1976 French movie Une femme à sa fenêtre.
- Program of the movie theater
- A scene from the film Une femme a sa fenetre shot in front of Mon Cine (left)
Additional information
The facebook page Πάλαι ποτέ στο Βύρωνα has uploaded a trailer from the 1962 movie "The clever lads"
In the trailer one can see the movie theatre facade located on the Panayi Tsaldari street, some other buildings and the "Thermal spa of Vyronas, on the present-day Nikiforidis street, known also as "Vyronas' Hammam". Mon Cine movie theatre was a trangular building between the streets Panayi Tsaldari street, Kyprou avenue and Kolokotroni street. .
You can watch the trailer here εδώ.